1 Year Later...
Exactly one year ago, together with my friends Jirushi and Bobble, I've released a little game about trying to balance a tightrope while your inner voice, your anxiety and self doubt manipulate you and try to make you fall. Today is its Birthday and we've got some exciting news!
A massive update, out on April 8th!
Our brand new polished and updated version of You Will Fall is coming to Newgrounds on April 8th!
In the meantime, you can join our Discord server so you don't miss the grand release!
And now a little word from that pesky voice inside your head...
"Experience awesome new features such as
💀New ways to die so I get to mock you more!
🥺Easy mode so even YOU can get past 3 meters
🏅Medals and leaderboards on Newgrounds
😌Lots of quality of life features, such as revealing what killed you last!
🎆We've put an excessive amount of effort into what happens when reaching the ending. But you never will. You will fall.
Signed, Your inner demon❤️"